The spinal cord is about the size of a mans' little finger, the image above is a greatly enlarged representation with needle to scale overlayed. The outer layers of the spinal cord are called the Meninges and are microscopically thin, the needle is passed through these layers in to the space which contains the cauda equina nerves and this is where they injected Myodil.
MRI scan showing Myodil clearly visible in the spinal cord
MRI scan of a victim, you can clearly see patches of myodil around the brain
Diagram showing healthy spinal cord with nerve roots as they appear naturally before chemical attack
A spinal cord taken from a victim, it has a candle wax appearance as the nerves are encased in scar tissue.
A plastic cup after coming in to contact with myodil for just a few hours.
Myodil Chemical Build Up
Even in those early days it must have been a highly suspect chemical mix considering the ingredients it used. It consisted of Benzene (now regarded as the number one carcinogenic in the world), Hydrochloric Acid, Sulphuric Acid, Potassium Permanganate (a substance that can kill if digested) and 30% Iodine (if used incorrectly it ban lead to Parkinson's Disease).